Re: [-empyre-] n-dimensional cobwebs of meaning

On May 10, 2004, at 11:55 AM, Kenneth Fields wrote:

Rock-Music, Rock-Chair are associational relationships. In ontological terms, Rock inherits properties from Object/NaturalObject/Rock. Specific kinds of Rocks (MoonRocks) inherit from Rock, but add their own distinctive properties not found in all Rocks (specificallyLocated Moon). RockMusic on the other hand is not an object, it is a kind of Radiating/RadiatingSound/AudibleSound/Music. In ontology, relationships are expressed in such ways as 'isA, hasA, PartOf... Music isA Art, Music isA FieldOfStudy, Music isA Punishment(face the music), isA Business, Hobby, etc.............

Right, but the question is how do you visualize those relationships. "Rock" in liken is an object, a genre, an action, and more. As you said, "is conceptual 'space' more than a metaphor?" Is there a good way to translate these associational links to a visual plane, or does it become too complex to be helpful?

In Liken you're giving unique id's to both nodes and paths. EveryLikenThing isA Node or a Path. Can you start to differentiate a little bit more - what type of node (peopleNode, conceptNode), path (associationPath, prototypePath, poeticalPath). See, we start getting into ontology.

In a technical sense, only nodes are assigned unique ids -- paths are properties of those nodes. The nodes have a variety of [classes/properties]. Right now, a node can exist as a: Person, Liki, Comment, Interview, Resource, Architecture. More can be added pretty seamlessly. Paths are generally divided into three categories: Fixed (red), Liken-generated/Grace-period (very dark green), and Normal (shades of gray).

I'm anxious about adding too many other classes, or of even displaying these classes for the user. I think it gets confusing for people if there are too many different kinds of nodes and paths, so for now, we kind of make that transparent.

Maybe we need some kind of Godelized methodology, where you can warp in and out of spatial/associational/nodal 'space.' Space isn't just spatial :). Time isn't just temporal (Ouch).

Definitely. I wrote these notes a while ago:
"One of the features of a conceptual relation is the very fact that it defies spatial and temporal constraints; for example, one person might find Roman gladiators and contemporary boxers to exist in conceptual proximity. This revelation might also bring certain related concepts together (the boxing ring may suddenly seem similar to the Coliseum), while others gain no ground (the Roman's thumbs up/thumbs down judgment having no obvious corollary). What has happened is that a sort of wormhole has formed between two galaxies of thought, a span of billions of miles suddenly folding into a few short steps. One wormhole is hard enough to visualize -- how can one depict a journey through a universe of concepts when every step in the path is a wormhole to a different location in timespace?"

The problem is really how to navigate an n-dimensional cobweb of meaning. What does a hyperMap/criticalMap look, feel and sound like?

AI is moving to AH (artificial hermeneutics) - intelligence and interpretation are both quaiifiedBy Artificial.

Yes, definitely. Understanding is the key to intelligence. Right now liken doesn't even attempt to interpret the meaning of anything, but it records all kinds of interesting data about words and their relationships that we don't use yet. That would be an interesting plug-in for someone to develop. Someday it would be nice for liken to read every node, so that you could ask it questions. That would open up the realtime MUTE/MOO/MUD interface that we talked about to some fascinating conversational possibilities!

- ben

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